Cecil Bostany
By Katie Burns
May 21 2018

Cecil Bostany
Cecil Bostany
Member, Warren Averett

By Katie Burns
May 21 2018
Member, Warren Averett
Member, Warren Averett
Mar 26 2019
It’s an exciting time to be in SaaS, and opportunity is everywhere. But there are also a lot of uniquely modern customer challenges to overcome. It’s important that leaders acknowledge, and address these challenges head-on both in their strategies and in the day-to-day tactics of running their companies. Rather than brush these under the rug […]
Sep 12 2019
I’m working with several companies on the advisory side that have similar marketing challenges around tactics and execution. So, beginning today with SaaS marketing attribution, I’m going to address some of the most common and basic executional failures. The fact is, from CMOs, down to VPs, senior directors, and directors, marketers often have far better intentions than execution. All […]
Aug 06 2018
More than any other department, sales relies on tracking and measuring. And with all the new insights available from sales enablement technology, we can easily overload ourselves with data and reports. That’s why when looking at SaaS sales metrics, I try to keep reporting simple so we can focus on what matters most. I also […]